They survived to See Another Christmas……..   8 comments

… But there were times I wasn’t so sure. I’m talking about my Christmas tree ornaments, and the reason for my worry was


You know what they say  about not seeing the forest for the trees,  I figured it was just a matter of time, but I was presently surprised.


Marble, the kitten of endless exploration,  was no more interested in the tree than the jaded brothers,


DSCN1103or Marceau, both of whom were celebrating their ninth Christmas at The  House of Mars


As for the ornaments about which I was concerned? First off,  first of all there was this…


and this…


These ornaments are older than I am, made just after World War II when metals were still in short supply. I believe they’re vintage 1946 from my parent’s first Christmas tree.

Then there are  these…


See the white ones? I found them in the attic shortly after moving into The House of Mars, and when I leave , I’d like to leave them with a note for the next owners. Then, there’s


This was given to me by my friend Fran at a Christmas Eve dinner she hosted in 2005. She left ornaments at each place setting, by chance, and asked of each of us, in place of grace,  if it signified anything. For me, since it portrayed the Rockefeller Center tree and skating rink, it reminded me of my Aunt Ginny who, starting when I was four, would meet my mother and me each Friday evening at the rink after leaving work at The New York Times, to teach me to ice skate. Aunt Ginny had passed away in 1998 of breast cancer, and Fran was also to pass away in 2007 of Ovarian cancer.

Then there was the tree topper…


sent to me by a friend at Christmas 2004, because it reminded her of my beloved Fremont. Alas, she knew not that Fremont had passed over in August of that year. Speaking of beloveds who are no longer with is. This was given to Marcos a couple of years ago. Last year was his last Christmas on the planet.


Oh my, I’m getting a bit morose here so let me end on a joyous note.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I’ve survived yet another year, too.  YAY!!!!!!



Posted December 29, 2013 by virginiafair in Christmas ornaments

8 responses to “They survived to See Another Christmas……..

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  1. Congratulations, Ginny! I really enjoy your blog. Many of your discussions hit really close to home. Happy Birthday!

  2. Next year I’ll loan you my small Christmas tree fashioned from green peacock feathers!! Something tells me it would not last the day. Happy Birthday.

  3. I love the idea of tracing your family/friendship history through the ornaments. Even in a portable world where people frequently move and we can’t take everything with us, we can keep certain important little pieces that carry the love of those we have known and loved, and we can leave behind something for those who are coming behind us. Very beautiful meditation from a beautiful person and warmest wishes for a wonderful new year in your life.

  4. And I have not sent your birthday card. Boo-hoo. When I transferred the birthdays from my little Hallmark datebook from the 2012 edition to the 2013 edition, I missed yours, because it was in one of those tiny split boxes. So it didn’t get recorded in the 2013 book. It won’t happen again! I’m so sorry. So today I wish you a very Happy Birthday, and many more.

    Love, Carol
  5. Great Blog! Can really connect with the memories associated with ornaments. There’s a great children’s book about the very same thing. Enjoyed hearing your B;’day voice this morning. Sounds so young. 🙂

  6. Happy birthday virginia. You reduced me to a teary mess….. You reveal another layer of your wonderful, interesting, sentimental self!!!!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday, see you soon, love Caryn&Don .

  8. First of all, let me begin by wishing you a belated Happy Birthday! I hope it was a good one 🙂 Your parents just did get their tax deduction, that year, huh?! LOL

    I enjoyed the post about your tree and ornaments! I love your pears–and the story that went with the ornament given by Fran.

    It’s amazing that out of three cats, nobody wanted to climb your tree, especially Marble! You lucked out 🙂 The last time I had Christmas kittens, I wasn’t so lucky! One ‘crapped’ on my tree skirt, while another climbed the tree…SEVERAL TIMES! (The tree climbing kitty now lives outside, and has lots of trees to climb!)

    I have several ornaments belonging to pets, who’ve since passed on, too… Sparky, the parakeet, Freckles, the dog–and I can’t remember who all else. Those pet ornaments have since been retired, to make way for grandchildren’s ornaments. Time has a way of marching on.

    Speaking of time marching on–have a Happy New Year! I treasure our blogging friendship, and look forward to a new year of stories 🙂


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